Thursday, June 15, 2006

Smarts Must Come From Momma

Because either Jeb has memorized the 64-page Hop on Pop, or he's begining to read sight words. Not bad considering we really work more with numbers than letters... and I have really not made a conserted effort to teach him to read at all yet.

Either way... it strikes me as indicative of an excellent mind. We've read Hop on Pop to him less than 10 times... and now he reads it to us. I suppose the thing that has me leaning toward the sight word explaination is watching his eyes, and the way he sometimes pauses and points to the word or sentence before he says it.

Something is definately going on there.

Not bad for a 3-and-half year-old kid.

Interestingly... Hop on Pop was also the first book I sat down and read cover to cover as well. To put this in perspective, it was most likely also the last book that Katie Couric read cover to cover in one sitting.

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